Thursday, 28 August 2014

Head Quotes

This one is for Niki and Kerry who are out in Canada representing GB at the Aquathlon World Championship and have both achieved their goals!


Live, Laugh, Enjoy

Monday, 25 August 2014

Head Quote

What's your burning desire?

Live, Laugh, Enjoy

Friday, 22 August 2014

Head Quote

Whether sport or business do it for love...

Live, Laugh, Enjoy

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Head Quotes

Whatever you are up to this weekend...

Live, Laugh, Enjoy

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Head Quote

Q. Five frogs sat on a lily pad. One decided to jump off. How many were left?

A. Five - all of them are still sitting there.  The one frog only decided to jump.

Make a decision then ACT on it!!

Live, Laugh, Enjoy

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Head Quote

This is especially important to remember when coming back from time off whether through choice or injury!

Live, Laugh, Enjoy

Monday, 18 August 2014

Head Quote

How's your attitude today?

Live, Laugh, Enjoy

Saturday, 16 August 2014

Saturday Silliness

This always makes me laugh - it's all dependent on your point of view :-)

Live, Laugh, Enjoy

Friday, 15 August 2014

A Poem...

"The Quitter"

When you're lost on the trail with the speed of a snail 
And defeat looks you straight in the eye
and you're needing to sit, 
your whole being says quit 
You're certain it's your time to die. 
But the code of the trail is "move forward don't fail" 
Though your knees and ego are scarred. 
All the swelling and pain is just part of the game 
In the long run it's quitting that's hard! 
"I'm sick of the pain!" 
Well, now, that's a shame 
But you're strong, you're healthy, and bright. 
So you've had a bad stretch 
and you're ready to retch, 
Shoulders back, move forward, and fight. 
It's the plugging away that will win you the day, 
Now don't be a loser my friend! 
So the goal isn't near, 
why advance to the rear. 
All struggles eventually end.
It's simple to cry that you’re finished; 
and die. 
It's easy to whimper and whine. 
Move forward and fight, 
though there's no help in sight 
you'll soon cross the lost finish line.  
You'll come out of the black, with the wind at your back, 
As the clouds start to part; there's the sun. 
Then you'll know in your heart, 
as you did at the start.  
You're not a quitter.
You've Won!!

Gene Thibeault

Live, Laugh, Enjoy

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Head Quote

We can all admit to having voices in our head and sometimes the voice is loud and sometimes very quiet...  but it's still there... This is one of the fundamental parts to explore when working with people to achieve their goals!

Live, Laugh, Enjoy

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Article from Runners World

Thought this was a great article (follow link below) that popped up on my news feed - All exercise can do so many things to help us - but sometimes we need something more and we should always feel able to ask for it

Runners World - No running isn't therapy

Live, Laugh, Enjoy

Head Quote

Live, Laugh, Enjoy

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Head Quote

A tribute to Robin Williams.  We all have that little spark - its what keeps us going and helps drive us towards our goals no matter what others may say.

Live, Laugh, Enjoy

Monday, 11 August 2014

Head Quote

More congratulations for Rory McIlroy and another quote from him... although I would swap gym for training outside, but you get where I'm going with this... ;-)

Going to the gym is great for your body, but it's also great for your mind
Rory McIlroy

Live, Laugh, Enjoy

Friday, 8 August 2014

Life Lessons I have learnt from Ultra Running

1. Deal with the small stuff!
That voice niggling away in your ear - stop and listen to it - what might seem small and inconsequential now could end up driving you to distraction and using up valuable mental energy.

2. Know where you are
Navigating to where you want to be means understanding and knowing where you currently are.  Write out your plan and mentally bookmark where you are on it continuously.  If you lose your place you can go back to the last place you knew for definite and then go from there.

3. Enjoy the dark
Get comfortable with not having all the answers.  Things do not always go our way.  The ways you have of navigating where you are may not work so well in the dark.  Relax, let your senses guide you, know that it is always darkest before the dawn.  Enjoy the knowledge and different view of the world you get in the dark.

4. Know You
You are the only person with you every second of every day - get happy with that.  Greater self awareness and self management means greater flexibility in our thinking, feeling and actions in a constantly changing environment.  Make decisions that work towards your goal.

5. Its ok to slow down
Slowing down can make a big difference.  You can see clearly what is happening around you and gives you some time to recover your energy.  This isn't about ambling - stay purposeful and meaningful in your actions.  You are in charge of how you are in the world.

6. Its ok to stop!
Relentless pursuit of your goal can be draining emotionally, mentally and physically on you and others around you.  You will recover if you give yourself the chance.  Acknowledge the signs that you need to stop, eat, sleep... stop chasing others - you'll catch them up.  Tell yourself the positives of what you have done so far - ask for help from others if you need it.  Have patience and be gentle on yourself.  Start up slowly as you feel ready to move on.

7. Be in the moment
Rather than focusing on the end goal - break it down into chunks.  Focus on what's in your immediate control, enjoy the moment you are in knowing it is unique and taking you where you want to go.

8. Either / Or, or somewhere in between
It's easy to get caught up with the end goal and see it as either we are on our way to achieving it or not.  Take a step back - you're in this for the long journey.  Targets set at the beginning need to be reviewed as we go - be flexible about changes as they happen - give yourself the space to make changes and not letting yourself stress when the targets move - move with them, let them go, create new ones with the knowledge you have gained so far.

9. Be a part of where you are
Take stock and fully immerse yourself in the landscape around you.  Experience it fully through all your senses.  This is not about looking at it from afar but being part of it.

10. Be organised
Thinking back to 'Know You' - you know what might stop you so do something about it at the beginning - have a plan B, C, D... keep to hand the strategies that work for you .  If you've already thought about what might a problem further down the line then you can come up with ways round it - if it happens then you're ready to deal with it.  This is your life and it's going to be a long one - which means more moments to deal with, more choices to make.

11. What goes up must come down
Prepare for the hard work of going uphill and remember to enjoy the downhills.  Be mindful of the fact you can get a little out of control the faster you go downhill and are more likely to trip and fall here than on the up!  Be purposeful!

12. Whose rules?
This is your journey, your strategy, your goal.  You set the rules for you.  If it works for you it's right for you.  What works for others is right for them.  Experiment and learn from each thing you do and develop your strategy from there.  Be curious.

13. Just one of you
You are the only you that's in this world - your journey is unique to you - remember that.

14. Finish first
This means you have to get to the finish line - not that you have to be the first to the finish line!  Achieve your goal; get to the end of this particular journey.  When you've done that then you can look back at how you achieved it and take new knowledge forward into the next one!

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Head Quote

Playing safe is not always the best policy... when are you playing too safe?
Live, Laugh, Enjoy

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Monday, 4 August 2014

Head Quote

Today's quote is unashamedly taken from Geraint Thomas's own FB page - this is a man who gives tirelessly to others in his team and he absolutely deserves the accolades and the Gold medal he now has.  That puncture in the final few KMs made my heart stop - but he kept his composure and pushed on to the finish!

"Good things come to those that wait; better things come to those that don't give up; and the best things come to those who just believe....‪#‎teamwales‬"
Geraint Thomas, Commonwealth Gold medalist

Live, Laugh, Enjoy

Saturday, 2 August 2014

Saturday Silliness

Always good to have a plan B... :-)
Live, Laugh, Enjoy

Friday, 1 August 2014